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About Our Founder

Hi, I am Nadia, a proud Mexicana living in Hong Kong! I am happily married and have three children, now ages 8, 4 and 2.


Six years ago I moved to Hong Kong from the United States, where I did my Masters in Advertising & Public Relations and worked in the Hispanic PR industry for over six years.


As a native Spanish speaker and communications expert, I wanted to ensure that my children learnt my mother language, and due to the lack of baby-friendly Spanish-language class offerings in Hong Kong, in 2020 I decided to create BebiTots. My 4-year old daughter and my 2-year old son grew up enjoying my classes and have benefited from them tremendously.


While my initial goal was to promote the Spanish language among young children in Hong Kong, thanks to word-of-mouth recommendations from my lovely BebiTots families, two years ago I was able to expand my services to also include classes in English and party entertainment.


Visit @BebiTots on Instagram for more information.


Our Program

BebiTots offers weekly playgroup classes in English or Spanish for little ones, from 6 months to 3 years of age.


Through engaging music and movement, storytelling and play-based learning tailored to their age group, babies and toddlers not only develop multiple skills, but they also build up their confidence, make friends and have fun!



Our sessions help babies and toddlers develop cognitive, language and communication skills through repeated exposure to lyrics and corresponding dancing movements, while boosting their motor and social skills.


We focus on popular nursery rhymes and stories that are easy to understand and reinforce basic vocabulary, counting and overall language development. To make it fun and engaging, we use a variety of props, including hand puppets, tambourines, ribbon shakers, dancing scarves, pom poms, sensory toys and parachutes. In our toddler class, children also get the opportunity to practice simple concepts and sentence structure and learn further by matching their own props to the corresponding concept on the lyrics (e.g. farm animal popsicle puppets with the Old McDonald song).




We conduct multi-sensory and play-based learning activities to stimulate the senses and support general concepts (e.g. colours, shapes, animals) while promoting fine motor skills and other areas, such as imagination, creativity, reasoning, problem solving and collaborative play.


With a new theme every week, these activities are tailored according to the age group. Our baby sessions give babies the opportunity to experience a magical journey of discovery and interactive sensory development, while our toddlers engage in creative learning activities and projects to reinforce concept understanding.



If your little one is 3 years or under, contact us for more information. We would be happy to schedule a trial class for you!




Our Classes



Mondays 10:20am (Spanish)

Wednesdays 10:20am (Spanish)

Fridays 10:20am (English)

Fridays 11:30am (English)



(2-3 years)

Wednesdays 4-5pm (Spanish)



70 Robinson Rd. Mid-Levels, Hong Kong


We would be happy to bring the fun to you! If you would like your little one and their friends to enjoy private weekly sessions at home, contact us.



Would you like to get a better idea of the class? Book a trial session! WhatsApp +852 9686 7626


Our Party Entertainment

Let's make your little one's Big Day extra special with BebiTots Parties!


Turn your child's birthday party into a fun, interactive and memorable musical celebration! We will sing, dance and the little ones will stay engaged and have lots of fun with a variety of puppets, musical instruments, dancing props, parachutes, bubbles and more!


Our party entertainment is geared for children 5 and under, and it can be customised to include your child’s favourite songs. It can also be adapted to include fun games and/or sensory/messy play.


For booking entertainment in English or Spanish for your child's birthday party click here


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